
APR thanks our supporting partners. We couldn't do what we do without you.

We're thankful for the organizations who support our efforts.


If you would like more information on what we do and how we help pugs, please contact us.  

We are currently seeking partners in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, New Jersey, and New York. Please contact us to learn more about working with our team. 

two cute pugs

Fundraising Partners

Fundraising partners help us raise money to care for the pugs we foster.

Please support our fundraising partners! Every dollar raised with them helps treat our incoming pugs and put them on the path to a better life. APR adopters/fosters receive a FREE week of training + a discount for life.

Good Pup

What is GoodPup?

GoodPup is a positive reinforcement dog training service. We connect dog owners to top trainers for 1-on-1 training over video chat. Our mission is to keep dogs with their families by providing convenient, affordable dog training. Sign up for GoodPup today and they will give back to APR!

Nature's Select

Nature’s Select will donate 10% of your purchase at! Use code Appalachian to support APR.
Get great prices on flea, tick and worming treatments and support Appalachian Pug Rescue.
Get great prices on flea, tick and worming treatments and support Appalachian Pug Rescue. Revolution, Nexgard, Heartgard, Bravecto, Drontal, Stronghold and Advocate.

Shelter Partners

Shelter Partners

Shelter partners contact us when they receive pugs at their facilities.

Once a pug is brought to our attention, our team goes into action, securing transport, foster care, and medical assessments. 

Veternarian Partners

Are you a pug person?

Join Us!


There are many ways to volunteer at APR!